Wednesday, October 27, 2010


“For nearly 1400 years Islam, though diverse in sectarian practice and ethnic tradition, has provided a unifying faith for people stretching from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Starting in the 1500s, western ascendancy, which culminated in colonization, eroded once glorious Muslim empires and reduced the influence of Islam. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire following World War 1, and the decline of European colonial empires following World War 2. Muslim nations adopted Western Ideologies communism, socialism, secular nationalism, and capitalism. Yet most Muslims remained poor and powerless. Their governments, secular regimes often backed by the west, we corrupt and repressive.

For nearly 1400 years, Islam has united people globally. Western interference through colonization and political ideologies, has not improve Muslims lived. 


  1. Read the article.
  2. Re-read the article. Underline important ideas. Circle key terms. Find the main point of the article. Divide the article into sections or stages of thought, and label each section or stage of thought in the margins. Note the main idea of each paragraph if the article is short.
  3. Write brief summaries of each stage of thought or if appropriate each paragraph. Use a separate piece of paper for this step. This should be a
    brief outline of the article. 
  4. Write the main point of the article. Use your own words. This should be a sentence that expresses the central idea of the article as you have determined it the from steps above. 
  5. Write your rough draft of the summary. Combine the information from the first four steps into paragraphs. 
    NOTE: Include all the important ideas.
    Use the author's key words.
    Follow the original organization where possible.
    Include any important data.
    Include any important conclusions. 
  6. Edit your version. Be concise. Eliminate needless words and repetitions.
    (Avoid using "the author says...," "the author argues...," etc.)
  7. Compare your version to the original. 
    Do not use quotations, but if you use them be sure to quote
    correctly.  Indicate quotations with quotation marks. Cite each
    quotation correctly (give the page number).
    Do not plagiarize. Cite any paraphrases by citing the page number
    the information appears on. Avoid paraphrasing whenever possible.
    Use your own words to state the ideas presented in the article.
    (Adapted from Writing Across the Curriculum 4th edition, L. Behrens and L. Rosen, eds., 1991, Harper/Collins, pp. 6-7.)

In the summary, you should include only the information your readers need.

  1. State the main point first.
  2. Use a lower level of technicality than the authors of the original article use. Do not write a summary your readers cannot understand.
  3. Make the summary clear and understandable to someone who has not read the original article. Your summary should stand on its own.
  4. Write a summary rather than a table of contents.
    Wrong: This article covers point X. Then the article covers point Y.
    Right: Glacial advances have been rapid as shown by x, y, and z.
  5. Add no new data and none of your own ideas.
  6. Use a simple organization: 
    main point
    main results: give the main results 
  7. Unless the examples in the article are essential, do not include the examples in your summary. If you include them, remember to explain them.

So when you write a summary:
  1. State the main point first.
  2. Emphasize the main stages of though.
  3. State the article’s conclusion.
  4. Summarize rather than give a table of contents.Example:
    This article covers the topic of measuring the extent of global deforestation. The article discusses reasons for concern, the technique, the results, and the project’s current goal.
    According to the author of “Seeing the Forest,” the extent of global deforestation was difficult to measure until satellite remote sensing techniques were applied. Measuring the extent of global deforestation is important because of concerns about global warming and species extinctions. The technique compares old infrared LANDSAT images with new images. The authors conclude the method is accurate and cost effective.
  5. Keep summary short: 3 to 7 sentences.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


click this link to watch the full video

Iphone 4
Main Idea
Iphone more powerful, easier to use, and more indispensable than ever.

Supporting detail  1

(has two cameras ,two view)
one on the front ,which focuses on you.
And on the back, which focuses
on you, and on the back, which
focus on everything else.
5 mega pixel.
Supporting detail  2
The retina display on Iphone 4 is the sharpest, most vibrant, highest-resolution phone screen ever, with four times the pixel count of previous iphone model
Supporting detail  3
Capture impressive video even in row-light setting, advance backside illumination sensor and built-in LED light.
Supporting detail  4
New way of multitasking that can run third-party applications, and switch between them instantly.

Supporting detail  5
The touch screen is made liquid crystal display with scratch- resistant glass.


what is paraphrase??
paraphrase - express the same message in different words
paraphrase - rewording for the purpose of clarification

method to paraphrasing... fast and read purposeful. or highlight important key point or words to paraphrase.
3.find the replacement for the words.
4.restructure: rearange sequences of point.
5. double check accuracy against the original text.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kinds of Sentences and Their Punctuation

A sentence may be one of four kinds, depending upon the number and type(s) of clauses it contains.

  •         An independent clause  contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

  •    A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete thought.

1. A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause.

Punctuation note:  NO commas separate compound elements (subject, verb, direct object, indirect object, subjective complement, etc.) in a simple sentence.

2. A COMPOUND SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined by
        A.  a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so),
        B.  a conjunctive adverb (e.g. however, therefore), or
        C.  a semicolon alone.

Punctuation patterns (to match A, B, and C above):

        A. Independent clause, coordinating conjunction  independent clause.
        B. Independent clause; conjunctive adverb, independent clause.
        C. Independent clause; independent clause.

3. A COMPLEX SENTENCE has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause.
 Punctuation patterns (to match A, B, C and D above):
        A.  Dependent clause,  independent clause
        B.  Independent clause  dependent clause
        C.  Independent,    nonessential dependent clauseclause.
        D.  Independent    essential dependent clause  clause.

4. A COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined to one or more dependent clauses.
Punctuation patterns:
 Follow the rules given above for compound and complex sentences.
A compound-complex sentence is merely a combination of the two.

Two independent clauses may be joined by
    1.  Coordinating conjunctions  (FANBOYS)         Ic,  and    ic
    2.  Conjunctive adverbs       Ic;    therefore,     ic.
dependent (subordinate) clause may be introduced by
    1. Subordinating conjunctions (ADVERB CLAUSE)     Dc, ic.   or    Ic dc.
    2. Relative pronouns (ADJECTIVE CLAUSE)  I, dc,  c.    or      I  dc  c.
   3.  Relative pronoun, subordinating conjunctions, or adverbs (NOUN CLAUSE)


Saturday, October 23, 2010

What is Phonetic Symbols?

When we was in technical communication class. we learn something new. the topics called phonetic symbols.

What is Phonetics Symbols??
Phonetics means the study of the sounds of human speech, is one area of specialization within the field of linguistic. Unlike semantics, which deals with the meaning of words, phonetics is focused exclusively on the properties of speech sounds and their production.

Example of phonetics symbols:


     hæv ju hərd əv ðə əmɛrəkən bɪgfʊt? wɛl, ɪt ɪz ə nem gɪvən tu ə strendʒ kritʃər wɪtʃ ɪz bəlivd tu bi fawnd ɪn ðə fɔrəsts əv nɔrθ əmɛrəkə. mɔr ðæn 250 pipəl wər ripɔrtəd tu hæv sin iðər ðə kritʃər ətsɛlf ɔr ɪts dʒajənt fʊtprɪnts. hɪr ɪz æn əkawnt əv wən əv ðoz ɪnsədənts.

            mɪstər tʃæpmən ɪz ə ləmbərdʒæk. hi lɪvz wɪθ hɪz fæməli ɪn ə lɒg- kæbən ɪn ə fɔrəst ɪn nɔrθ əmɛrəkə. wən de hi wɛnt tu ə nɪrbaj vɪlɪdʒ tu baj səm prəvɪʒən, livɪŋ hɪz wajf ænd ðɛr dɒtər, ɛməli, æt hom. sun æftər hi hæd lɛft, mɪsəz tʃæpmən ænd ɛməli sæt dawn fɔr brɛkfəst. sədənli ðə lɪtəl pɔjntəd awt əv ðə wɪndo ænd ɪksklemd, " lʊk, məðər! wəts ðæt strendʒ- lʊkɪŋ kritʃər?""

            mɪsəz tʃæpmən lʊkt awt ænd sɒ mæn- lajk kritʃər wɒkɪŋ tu təwɔrdz ðɛr kæbən. ɪt wəz əbawt sɛvən fit tɒl. ɪts hol bɑdi, ɪksɛpt ɪts fes, wəz kəvərd wɪθ brawn hɛr. kwɪkli mɪsəz tʃæpmən pʊld ɛməli awt baj ðə bæk dɔr əv ðə kæbən. ðɛn ðe hɪd bətwin tu lɑrdʒ pajlz əv lɒgz. ðe sted ðɛr əntɪl mɪstər tʃæpmən rətərnd. wɛn mɪstər tʃæpmən hərd wət hæd hæpənd hi ɪmidiətli fɔrmd ə sərtʃ- pɑrti tu lʊk fɔr ðə kritʃər. bət ɪt wəz nowɛr tu bi fawnd.

            dɪd mɪsəz tʃæpmən ænd hər dɒtər rɪli si ə bɪgfʊt?
wɛl, ðɛr wər dʒajənt fʊtprɪnts ɒl ərawnd ðə kæbən tu pruv ðæt ðe dɪd. bət no wən noz fɔr ʃʊr wɛðər ə bɪgfʊt rɪli ɪgzɪst.

when u read the phonetics symbols above. the pronunciation must be like this:


        have you heard of the american bigfoot? well, it is a name given to a strange creature which is believed to be found in the forest of the north america. more than 250 people were reported to have seen either the creature itself or its giant footprints. here is an account of one of those incident.

       Mr chapman is a lumberjack. he lives with his family in a log-cabin in a forest in north america. one day he went to a nearby village to buy some prevision, leaving his wife and their daughter, emily, at home. soon after he had left, mrs chapman and emily sat down for breakfast. suddenly the little girl pointed out of the windows and exclaimed, "look mother! whats that stranges looking creatures?"

       Mrs chapman looked out and saw a man-like creature walking towards their cabin. it was about seven feet tall. its whole body, execpt its face, was covered with brown hair. quickly mrs chapman pulled emily out by the back door of the cabin. then they hid between two large piles of logs. they stayed there until mr chapman returned. when mr chapman heard what had happened he immediately formed a search. party to look for the creature. but it was nowhere to be found.

      Did  mrs chapman and her daughter really see a bigfoot? well, there were giant footprints all around the cabin to prove that they did. but no one knows for sure whether a bigfoot really exists.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

More experience in technical communication class

For this semester I need to complete my English subject (technical communication). During couple of week attend this class, I already learned for the contextual clue. This topic is about how to identify the meaning for the words that we don’t know but we understand the sentence. This subject were teach by madam Cheah Swi Ee. More information and motivation I get from her to complete this subject. Hopefully I will success to complete the entire task in this subject and pass this subject with good result.


What is contextual clues?


-Hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word.
-The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers.
-Most of your vocabulary is gained through reading, it is important that you be able to 
  recognize and take advantage of context clues.

Because of the conflagration was aided by wind, it was so destructive that every building in the area was completely burned to the ground.

What is Prefixes and Suffixes?

Prefix-A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a root word.
-A prefix changes the meaning of a word.

Randy’s bike tire was flat.  He couldn’t find the pump because the garage was in disorder.  “It’s hopeless,” said Randy.  “I’ll never make it to the soccer game on time.”

base word is order, and prefix is disorder

-A suffix is a word part added to the end of a root word.
-A suffix also changes the meaning of a word.

See, I can be likable!” said Jake with a grin.

base word is like, and the suffixes is likable.


Firstly, I’m so proud that was passed in proficiency English subject. Now, I’m continuing in technical communication subject. First month in the class, I was given task to make the blog with groups. Then, I was learning about contextual clues, suffix and prefix, playing quiz and also getting much information and knowledge relate with this subject. Next, I will getting and learn more knowledge from my lecturer. Sometimes she gives a little motivate and tips about the subject and relate in my live. I’m very excited and enjoy learning this subject. Hopes it can help me to improve my speaking and writing in English. Thanks.


Learning experience in tech comm class

I enjoy technical communication class so much. Besides gaining knowledge, I could have so much fun. I was given task on doing blog. This way learning English is much fun compare to usual learning process.  Last couple weeks, I have been exposing to basic of English which is suffix & prefix and contextual clue.The idea of affix is about adding word to the root word. For an example of prefix is (reappear). The root word for this is (appear) while for suffix is (reading), the root word for it is (read). This way I might improve my vocabulary and understanding about English.When I learn about contextual clues I will know the meaning of the words or sentences. It is good for me because before this I doesn’t know and difficult to understand what I read. So, I very enjoy and excited to learn this subject :-)